Monroe, CT CPA Firm

Tax Planning Strategy Development

Start now. Stop overpaying the IRS. Get your No Obligation Tax Assessment with curated ideas customized to your situation!

Call Now 203-268-4431 or click here.

What is tax planning? Its everything we can do BEFORE year end…Tax Planning is the process of looking at a person’s life, business, and regulatory requirements to LEGALLY reduce taxes.

We’re not just like most accountants spending most of their time and talent doing accounting and bookkeeping. We look at the business as a whole to make sure we’ve kicked every tire, and turned over every tax savings rock. Through a proactive process we’ll help you extract the maximum amount of value of your business. After tax value. Because its what you get to keep that counts.

Please request a no obligation consultation to learn more or call us now at 203-268-4431.

The 17 key categories where we focus our time and talent.

  1. Maximize Deductions
  2. Legal Entity Optimization
  3. Retirement Planning
  4. Insurance
  5. Legal Loopholes
  6. Niche Strategies
  7. Advanced Strategies
  8. Exits & Capital Gains
  9. Gift & Estate Planning
  10. Tax Cuts & Jobs Act
  11. Asset Protection
  12. International
  13. Asset & Gift Freeze
  14. Tax Advantaged Wealth Management
  15. CARES Act
  16. Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
  17. Other Strategies
  18. Whatever Biden and congress may do in 2021 and beyond.