Monroe, CT CPA Firm

Accounting Packages

small business accounting

At John Culhane CPA, our accounting packages are offered at affordable flat-fee rates to all types of small businesses. Your core package starts with bookkeeping services, tax planning strategies, and business tax preparation. From there, we'll customize it to include everything your business needs. From payroll to CFO services and more, we offer a wide variety of accounting services for small businesses.

Find out what we can do for your business! Getting started is quick and easy. Request your no obligation consultation through our website or call 203-268-4431 to get your customized accounting package.

Core Bundle

Each business client engagement includes 3 core services:

Customize Your Package

In addition to our core bundle of accounting services, each engagement is customized to meet the specific situation and needs of the business client by adding in extra activities and service duties for an additional fee. Is your in-house bookkeeper overwhelmed? We can help! You can outsource a portion of your bookkeeping activities to us.

Additiona items that can be added into the core bundle include:

  • Payroll
  • Sales tax
  • Property tax
  • LLC setup
  • IRS and CT representation
  • Virtual CFO - analytics, financial statements, cash flow analysis, etc
  • Personal tax preparation of business owners, partners, etc.